What are the different reservation statuses?

Withlocals offers two different kind of experiences:

Experiences on Instant Confirmation will be automatically confirmed at the chosen date and time with the selected host.

Experiences on Request are subject to the host confirmation based on their own availability, or on the availability of the activity or the tickets, when relevant. 

Once the booking is finalised every guest receives a confirmation email. You will be able to find the booking details by logging in using your credentials on the website or the Withlocals App.

You can find the reservation status of your booking in your booking overview, on your Withlocals profile. The following are the different reservation statuses: 

  • Confirmed - your booking is confirmed and the experience will take place under the established date and time.
  • Booking requested - you have sent a request to book a 'on request' experience, your host can confirm, or reject your booking. 
  • Booking rejected - the host of your choice was not available and rejected your booking request. That means that the refund has already been issued to you and will reach you within 10 working days.
  • Booking expired - your selected host did not confirm your booking request within 48 hours and the booking expired. That means that the refund has already been issued to you and will reach you within 10 working days.
  • Cancelled - unfortunately, your booking got cancelled and will not take place. Please take a look at our cancellation policy for more details.
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