Host Offers

Host offers are experiences created by individual hosts. They are a chance to create a very special product that is unique to you, your knowledge, and your special access.

Hosts offers should always be different than any existing experience already on the platform, so make sure to double check the existing portfolio before getting started!


Types of tours and activities you can offer

Food Experiences: Share your passion for food with people from all over the world, make new friends and create connections. You can invite guests at your house for a local gastronomic experience or you can take guests through the city and let them taste the local cuisine.

City tours: Show what your city has to offer, from highlights to local neighborhoods, vibrant nightlife, hidden corners, artsy spots - you know it best! Create your own unique tour! This can be “The ultimate graffiti tour in London” or “Urban biking tour through Amsterdam” for example.

Activities: Involve your guests in a fun workshop and/or activity that teaches them about your destination or culture.

Day trips: There are always exciting spots to show just outside your city. Make an itinerary and take your guests to explore beautiful natural sights, spectacular monuments or the best wineries.


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