Welcome to your personal statistics dashboard! The host dashboard gives you an overview on how long you have been active on the platform, how many bookings you completed and some insights on how you are doing. Here you can see some data about your host performance, and tips to help you improve and boost your bookings and rating. Your performance stats are divided into 4 main sections, and, depending on your performances, you will see one of these three criteria applied to define your rating: amazing, accountable and available.
Review Score
The Review Score shows you your all-time review score.
Reviews are important to help you stand out. The higher your review score and number of reviews are, the more chances you have to get booked, according to the guests preferences.
Withlocals always sends guests notifications and reminders asking to write a review for you. The reviews can be rated from 0 to 5 on the Withlocals website, and we recommend you try and keep your review rate higher than 4.5 to increase your bookings.
Check How does the review system work?, and learn more about the review system there.
If you notice your guests didn’t write a review, we recommend you to be proactive and send your guests a thank you message via the Withlocals chat, and use this to remind them to write you a review.
Response time
The response time measures how long on average it takes you to write your first reply to a guest, after they messaged you. The faster you reply to the guests' very first message to you, the more comfortable they will feel having you as a host as it will show that you are a reliable and responsive host. We recommend trying to answer all the questions and requests in less than 18 hours.
Cancels and transfers
This metric shows you the amount of cancelations or transfers in the current month. Cancelling your booking has a direct negative effect on your host income and performance on the website. So it’s a lose-lose situation for both you and your guests! Of course we understand things might happen, but we strongly recommend to minimize your cancellations and transfers. This is why we advise to cancel less than 2 bookings per month. The best way to avoid a cancellation is to keep your agenda up-to-date to prevent issues.
Blocked time slots
This metric displays the percentage of blocked times in your agenda for the upcoming 30 days, out of the total starting times of the tours you are offering.
We recommend that you block your agenda when you’re not available to host experiences, however, the more you block your agenda, the less likely it is that guests will book you as they see you are not available very often. The more time slots you have available in the upcoming 30 days, the higher you will rank on the search page. The most successful hosts at Withlocals block less than 25% of their agenda. If you want to receive more bookings, make sure to keep your agenda open.