
The Licenses form is part of the host profile, which aims to make it easier for you to be matched as a host with suitable Withlocals Originals experiences according to your skills & preferences.

You can access the new form from your host homepage:


In the form, you will be asked if you have an official government-issued tourist license. This includes all licenses that allow you to provide services for tourists:

  • Move around the city freely with a group of tourists

  • Explain cultural and historical sites

  • Access to attractions

  • Drive tourists in a car in and around the city

  • Sail a boat with tourists

  • Guide outdoor activities and sports (eg. Hiking, trekking, kayaking, mountain biking)

  • Access to nature parks

If you don't hold such a license, select "No" and you will be returned to your homepage.

If you do hold such a license, select "Yes" and you will continue to the next page to provide more details.

Uploading all your licenses

In the first section, you can upload all your licenses (if you hold multiple licenses), and you will be asked to indicate the license ID, expiration date (if the license expires), and to upload a picture of each license.


What does your license allow you to do?

Once you provide these details, you will then move on to add what permissions does your license grant you, from a fixed list. You can also add custom input if needed.


After the form is filled, you can save & exit. The updated selection will be reflected on your homepage. The form can be edited multiple times. You can always go back to edit, add or remove licenses.


Why is this information being collected?

This information will help our platform easily match hosts with the right tours (e.g. certain tours main require a special license to conduct, so these experiences will then be offered to the hosts who fulfil this criteria). The automatic experience recommendation tool for hosts will be built by our team in the next period, to give hosts more independence to join Withlocals Originals experiences.

I already filled this information in the old profile. Should I fill it in again?

If you provided a valid license number in the old profile, this information will be copied into the new form. You will still need to fill in the rest of the information (expiration date, photo, and permission) as these details are new and were not collected in the old profile form.

The license section from the old profile has been removed.

I don’t have a valid license now (either I am in the process of getting one, or my license has expired and I need to renew it) - should I still fill that in?

No, if don't currently hold a valid tourist license, please select 'No' and come back to update this section once you obtain or renew your license.

Will my licenses be visible to guests on my public profile?

For now, the licenses will not be visible to guests. They will be taken into account when recommending each host suitable Withlocals Originals experiences to join, and in the future we will also displayed on your public profile.

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