How can I protect the places I travel to?

1. Respect the rules & laws in place 👮‍♀️

The saying “rules are there to be broken” isn’t always cool, especially when they are there to protect the local culture, people, animals & plants. If guidelines are provided of what you should and should not do, Withlocals asks for all guests to follow them, to keep destinations protected. 


2. Avoid the crowds 👨‍👨‍👦‍👦

Withlocals tours aim to take you off the beaten path whenever possible. Overtourism can be an issue in some destinations for the locals. That’s why we recommend checking out the main highlights in off-peak times (such as early or late) and checking out more alternative sides of the city during high-peak times. 


3. Keep hidden gems hidden đź’Ž

Withlocals is all about providing truly authentic experiences which means guests will get to experience some real hidden gems. However, in order to keep hidden gems hidden and preserve local culture, guests should be mindful of geo-tagging those extra special locations, especially if the host asks you to keep it a secret. 


*** Keep in mind, every place is different and has its own magic and issues. Engage with your host about this and do what you can to respect and protect the destination that you are visiting.

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